WH Bond & Sons Ltd
A Family run business for over 60 years
A Family run business for over 60 years

Vehicles For Sale
Tractors, Vehicles and more

Timber Sales

Bond Farms
Proud to be farming

Bespoke Contractin
Bespoke Contracting works
Whats services do we offer?
We have four main components to our business portfolio
Please click on an image opposite to view more information

A Little bit about us
Since 1957 when, WH Bond was founded, we have always been proud of our ability to identify trends in the market, which led the family to become the ‘serial diversifiers’ we are today. For the last 62 years this has enabled the business to survive and thrive, and now, once again, we are doing just that. We are looking at our core business, making the right decision for the group, and diversifying